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Frequently Asked Question About Vein Treatment

The veins have an important function to do that is carrying blood to the heart and circulating it back. It occurs in a particular way. And if the system gets attacked pr compromised, several complexities could happen. If you are dealing with the multiple veins problem, chances are it could have turned into varicose veins. Almost 20% of the adult population are tangled with vein problems. People often ask a number of questions to know more about the veins and how to deal with them. Below are discussed a few frequently asked questions and their answers.


FAQ 1 -

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are referred to as the medical condition that gets puffed and enlarged because veins’ valves are not working. It can be seen in multiple shades like blue, dark purple, flesh-coloured and look like a cluster of grapes. Though they are mostly found in the thigh and legs they are not restricted till there. If you see your condition getting worse like that then maybe you need to consult with the vein specialist Paramus

FAQ 2 -

What triggers the varicose veins?

While standing or sitting, the blood has to travel uphill through the veins to reach the heart. The calf muscles pump the blood to the heart and the valves in the veins prevent the blood from flowing downhill. Now, if someone has weak valves or if the calf muscle fails to do its work properly, s/he might experience congestion of blood in the leg veins. This congestion of blood causes varicose veins.

FAQ 3 -

When should I go for varicose veins treatment?

In one single word, varicose veins seem to be harmless, the congestion of blood in the leg can sometimes create chronic leg swelling that needs the help of vein clinic Woodland Park. If you are experiencing intolerable pain, you should get the vein treatment NJ as soon as possible. The two significant indications of varicose veins are many skin complications and ulcers. If you have any of these two, go and get the vein treatment NJ now.


FAQ 4 -

What treatment options does the vein specialist NJ have?

The treatment options for varicose veins are based on the severity you are dealing with.

Compression Stockings:

The compression stockings are specifically designed to hold the accumulation of blood. These hoses are suggested in the initial stage and taking care of the other things.


In this treatment procedure, a chemical solution is given in the exterior veins that are seriously damaged and taking care of them. This treatment is performed in an outpatient setting. Mostly available at the vein centre Woodland Park under the supervision of experts.

Endovenous Laser Treatment

Most patients, with varicose veins, are treated with the scar-less endovenous ablation. This treatment has to be done under ultrasound guidance with a needle puncture.

Radiofrequency Occlusion

Radiofrequency occlusion is another option to treat your varicose veins in an effective way. This treatment can be performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient or office setting.